Hook up with hot gay men at CT19 Medway in Sittingbourne
  • CT19 Medway

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Sittingbourne
    • Neighbourhood: Farthing Corner
    • Address: North Downs, 3 Matt's Hill Lane, Hartlip, Sittingbourne
  • Viewed: 13601
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: Daytime fun for like-minded people in a very discreet and private location in North Kent, just off the M2 motorway tucked up behind the Medway Services (Farthing Corner).

    Great place to chill out and meet others. Cruise in the woods, sunbathe on the lawn or relax in the play lounge where there is a video playing (on pool party days).

    Wear suitable shoes for going in the woods.