Hook up with hot gay men at Belmar Shopping Center Bathrooms in Lakewood
  • Belmar Shopping Center Bathrooms

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Lakewood
    • Neighbourhood: Belmar
    • Address: 408 South Teller Street
  • Viewed: 143884
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: There is a hallway just south of Cell Zone on Alaska Ave. Vending machines sit in the breezeway on the wall between the women's and mens restroom entries.

    It is on the north side of Belmar Square Park. The bathroom is perfect hardly any traffic and it is totally perfect for warning you also have to look really hard to see in the handicap stall for some 2 in stall fun.

    Also can be accessed from the NW side of the ice skating area.