Hook up with hot gay men at Endeavour Park Lithgow in Lithgow
  • Endeavour Park Lithgow

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Lithgow
    • Neighbourhood: Lithgow
    • Address: 1016 Great Western Highway
  • Viewed: 69619
  • Rating: 2 Rating: 2 star 100
  • Description: This rest stop is located in Lithgow, about 2 hours west of Sydney. The rest stop backs onto Endeavor Park and is situated next to the Lithgow Motor Inn. There is a parking area with lots of trees, and toilets, as well as the park itself.

    Toilets are not communal. They are button-operated, timed, and in clear view of everything.
    You'd see more than one person entering together etc

    I'd say it's better here after dark.