Hook up with hot gay men at Jensens Swamp Rd rest stop in Lowood
  • Jensens Swamp Rd rest stop

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Lowood
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: 52 Jensens Swamp Rd
  • Viewed: 34991
  • Rating: 5 Rating: 5 star 100
  • Description: Very discrete rest stop, you can see or hear any cars approaching for miles, which doesn't happen often, but you still have to stay alert.

    More blokes are starting to frequent this spot, being off the beaten track, it is a good, safe spot.

    Most guys brazenly pull their dicks out in the undercover seating area or walk off to a little timber lookout about 50 yards away. There is a couple of nature trails to explore