Hook up with hot gay men at Greensborough War Memorial Park in Greensborough
  • Greensborough War Memorial Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Greensborough
    • Neighbourhood: Greensborough
    • Address: Corner of McDowell and Ester Streets
  • Viewed: 239178
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: 2 Different Toilet Blocks.

    First block: McDowell St parking, large car park. Large urinal and 2 cubicles at the top of the oval, near the footy building. Cubicle next to urinal has a large crack that you can see though (see pic).

    Second block: Henry St side, enter parking either from Ester St or Henry St, sign says Community Hall on Henry St entrance. The toilet block is a small brick building behind the main brick building on the side, walk around and you’ll see it. Door that had gloryhole now has huge steel plate on both sides.