Hook up with hot gay men at The royal scot hotel in Victoria
  • The royal scot hotel

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Victoria
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: 425 Quebec St
  • Viewed: 578
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: Through the main entrance immediately to the left, there is a set of stairs to go to the basement.
    The men's washroom is small but fun at the urinals can be had, you will hear the door open and will have a second to recover, the bathroom is rarely used.
    This hotel also has saunas in the change rooms for the pool, they are great for hooking up in, however, you need to be a guest with a paid-for room and keycard to access. The amenities are not open to the general public; unlike the Grand Pacific where you can purchase tickets for just the pool and fitness facilities.