Hook up with hot gay men at Bayers Road Business Campus in Halifax
  • Bayers Road Business Campus

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Halifax
    • Neighbourhood: Fairview
    • Address: 7071 Bayers Road
  • Viewed: 437411
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: The most private and discrete washroom to hook up in seems to be the blood collection washroom on the basement level. Two stalls are available. Plus the urinals are behind a wall so you're out of sight if someone enters the washroom. There are two other washrooms in the mall that can be used but aren't as private or best for cruising. One by the food court which is busy with customers and mall employees and one by the elevators at the other end of the mall which has dividers between the urinals.