Hook up with hot gay men at Caledon East in Caledon
  • Caledon East

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Caledon
    • Neighbourhood: Caledon East
    • Address: 6096 Old Church Road
  • Viewed: 29762
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: Great quiet public washroom located in CaledonEast Community Park. The washroom is unlocked 24/7, it has two urinals and a big closed-door washroom ideal for quiet discreet play. This location is ideal for travelers going north or south on Airport Road, it is also located 2 minutes east of Airport Rd. There is plenty of parking and walking trails at the back of the park.

    Update: The washrooms are no longer open 24/7. They are locked at night with a deadbolt and a chain.