Hook up with hot gay men at Queen's Park in Toronto
  • Queen's Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Toronto
    • Neighbourhood: Downtown
    • Address: Queens Park Crescent
  • Viewed: 1646340
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: A cruisy park. Lots of guys sucking and fucking and you can see a bit because of the lights.
    This listing specifically refers to the treed public park on the north of Wellesley St. West which bisects and separates it from the lower (0south side) of the property occupied by the Province of Ontario Legislative assembly buildings also referred to collectively as "Queens Park. This entire oval of land is (ringed by the Queens Park Crescent roadway is in the center of and belongs to the University of Toronto from whom the provincial governement leases the southern section, and the City of Toronto has rented & maintained the northern section as a municipal park since 1860.