Hook up with hot gay men at Coopers Hill in Egham
  • Coopers Hill

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Egham
    • Neighbourhood: Englefield Green
    • Address: Coppers Hill Lane
  • Viewed: 345492
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: This toilet block is unique, as it’s only really frequented by taxi drivers, and those in search of cock, and it’s easy to tell those apart. The occasional memorial visitor drops in as they walk to their cars. It has a large car park, from which you can view Cummings and goings. Inside there are 3 urinals and a cubical with a short-ish door, cut at the bottom. There is a window over the single urinal where you can see if anyone is approaching. It’s as safe as they can be. It’s very busy with the cock hungry.