Hook up with hot gay men at A26 Cloughmills picnic area in Ballymena
  • A26 Cloughmills picnic area

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Ballymena
    • Neighbourhood: Cloughmills exit from A26
    • Address: 22 Lisnasoo Rd
  • Viewed: 969
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: Marked as a picnic area by a brown sign at the exit from main Ballymena to Ballymoney road A26 accessible from both directions. The area is directly opposite the park and ride signposted with a brown picnic area and is the old A26 before the upgrade. The area is not a picnic area just a long stretch of road bending after the first 20 feet with a roundabout at the bottom and a convenient recessed gate area if you are nervous but tree cover all along and not viewable from the main entrance.