Hook up with hot gay men at Gentlemens Bay in Auckland
  • Gentlemens Bay

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Auckland
    • Neighbourhood: St Heliers
    • Address: Waitara Road
  • Viewed: 237689
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Great on a nice day, as it captures all day sun. Very cruisey and sometimes some nice talent goes there. Swimming is okay and it's on the harbor so not a big surf, but lots of oyster shells, so bring swimming shoes. Close to town, so easily accessed. The stairs from Glover Park were removed in 2017 by Orakei Local Board due to erosion. Access is from Ladies Bay & Karaka Bay at 2 hours on each side of low tide. Suitable footwear for walking on rocks is recommended.