Hook up with hot gay men at Murray Linton Rose Garden in Rotorua
  • Murray Linton Rose Garden

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Rotorua
    • Neighbourhood: Rotorua
    • Address: 24 Ward Ave
  • Viewed: 298
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: This is a new listing, unknown if this is a cruise park, but has great potential at night. During the day the gardens are full of people and it's way too open for any fun, but after dark it's very dark, no lights in the gardens themselves, only street lights some distance away. Toward the back is a raised garden with a bunch of trees, very dark, a good spot for fucking with tree trunks to lean against. There are half a dozen park benches around the garden, again in the darkness at night, good to sit and wait, jerk off, or use as a fuck bench with an arranged hookup.
    As it's not a "known cruise area" it has the potential to become one or use it for arranged hookups.