Hook up with hot gay men at Tampines Eco Green in Singapore
  • Tampines Eco Green

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Singapore
    • Neighbourhood: Tampines
    • Address: Tampines Avenue 9
  • Viewed: 1193
  • Rating: 5 Rating: 5 star 100
  • Description: As the name suggests, this place is an Eco-Centric Park hence the lack of any light installations within the location. Once the sun sets, the place gets shrouded in darkness, with light emitting from the nearby HDB flats making it barely visible in parts.

    There are two entrances to this park, the main one on the Tampines Side and a small entrance from Pasir Ris. There's a little sheltered area at the main entrance, and beyond that is a pond with a three way fork. Left most fork leads to the toilet. Middle is a straight route with a few benches along the way. Right will be the darkest route to traverse.