Hook up with hot gay men at Chino Creek Wetlands Park in Chino
  • Chino Creek Wetlands Park

  • Website link:
    • City: Chino
    • Neighbourhood: Chino just off the 71 by the golf course
    • Address: 15975 El Prado Rd
  • Viewed: 760
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: The Park consists of 22 acres and 1.7 miles of trails landscaped with a wide variety of climate-appropriate and low-water use plants. It is built around a series of ponds with abundant wildlife. It is similar to the San Joaquin preserve in Irvine but much smaller.

    There are a few small side paths that provide some privacy for cruising and a large disabled porta-potty that could be useful.

    It isn't a heavily used park but it is used for school field trips so some days could be full of kids. But for the most part a quiet out-of-the-way place for a casual hookup.

    Enjoy the outdoors, and maybe have some fun.