Hook up with hot gay men at Jolar Cinema in San Diego
  • Jolar Cinema

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: San Diego
    • Neighbourhood: College
    • Address: 6321 University Avenue
  • Viewed: 480849
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: Recently remodeled. There are now two theaters: Regular ($12) and VIP ($17) or both for $22. Arcade booths are still $5, then pay as you go. The main theater is 2 rooms with 4 large videos. There are metal seat pods (3 seats to a pod) and they are movable. You might be able to move them a bit if you were so inclined. They are not comfortable. It is a bit brighter than the old theater as they put in wood laminate floors which reflects the light. VIP theater is smaller, but a single room with 5 or 6 screens which makes it much brighter. The furniture there: two couches and 4 backless benches - also movable. If you're in the VIP theater, other people can see anything you do, which could be fun with a group!