Hook up with hot gay men at Adult World - West Touhy Avenue - DesPlaines in Des Plaines
  • Adult World - West Touhy Avenue - DesPlaines

  • Website link:
    • City: Des Plaines
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: 423 West Touhy Avenue
  • Viewed: 474891
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: Large parking lot, across from police dog training facility. Very clean and bright with some previewing booths and video booths.

    There seems to be a change happening here. After years of hostile staff and patrolling they seem to be loosening up. Huge gloryholes have been added between most of the booths now as of Feb 2020. Also there are 2 large booths at end on right, big enough for 4 to 5 guys. Guys looking for action leave their doors unlocked and if they're interested they invite you in. Just don't loiter in the arcade hall. Takes $1 for 4 min preview or $5, $10, $20 for longer time.