Hook up with hot gay men at Hilltop Video in Muldraugh
  • Hilltop Video

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Muldraugh
    • Neighbourhood: Muldraugh
    • Address: 362 North Dixie Highway
  • Viewed: 265635
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: This a small place to meet up. The staff is friendly and offers a selection of videos and adult materials. It was recently remodeled on the inside and has a great selection of adult materials. It does cost to get into the theater area that has decent places to sit and a nice TV playing adult entertainment.

    It has a number of booths available for private viewing of your choice of adult materials. NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR DRINK.
    This place has really gone downhill, the floors are dirty, and trash is everywhere. Smoky with trolls passed out or sleeping. Needs a thorough cleaning.