Hook up with hot gay men at I-90 Eastbound Ludlow Rest Stop in Ludlow
  • I-90 Eastbound Ludlow Rest Stop

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Ludlow
    • Neighbourhood: I-90
    • Address: Between Exits 7-8
  • Viewed: 38239
  • Rating: 5 Rating: 5 star 100
  • Description: This is a well-laid-out bathroom at a smallish rest stop on the I-90 eastbound, between exits 7 and 8, in Ludlow (named the Ludlow Service Plaza).

    The bathroom is laid out so that you walk straight into an area with about 5 urinals and 3 stalls. There are a few sinks. If you look to the left just as you walk in, you'll notice another room with almost the same setup. This room's stalls have high dividers.

    There are holes again in the back, just between the two stalls. There is a small hole In the front, that could be made bigger, between the stalls. There's one in the first stall that peeks to the urinal right next to it, for those that like that.