Hook up with hot gay men at Gay Sands in Houghton
  • Gay Sands

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Houghton
    • Neighbourhood: Gay, MI
    • Address: Gay Rodd/Lac La Belle Road
  • Viewed: 9189
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: Walk or drive the sands looking for men. many great places to lay out that are unofficially clothing optional. There is no specific location, just a general area along the shoreline of lake superior. Pick a spot, and then signal to passing guys. Not too many people there just visiting will go far from the old smokestack and town other that just ORVs. An excellent place for a full body tan! There are many photo ops with the signs in the area, and at the bar in town specializing in foot long hot dogs!