Hook up with hot gay men at Nellis Meadows Park in Las Vegas
  • Nellis Meadows Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Las Vegas
    • Neighbourhood: Nellis AFB
    • Address: Cecile Avenue
  • Viewed: 51934
  • Rating: 5 Rating: 5 star 100
  • Description: Local county park with BMX track and softball fields. 2 entrances to the park. Lot of open dark areas for playing. Park is not lit at night so people cannot see you fooling around.

    Facilities: This is a great park for cruising after dark. There is a huge bathroom on the south side of the park where the ballfields are for hot fun. The pine trees are a favorite cruising spot after dark. Nice new paved lot in the back by the ballfields. Much easier access now.