Hook up with hot gay men at Richmond Hill Park in Asheville
  • Richmond Hill Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Asheville
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: 300 Richmond Hill Dr
  • Viewed: 927
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: Daytime and nighttime fun. Hours are posted but not enforced. 5 miles of looped trails around the perimeter of the 18-hole disc golf course. Maybe you could be the 19th hole? Most play happens on the purple trail. About .4 miles in the trail opens to the right taking you down to a visible creek from the trail. Dense laurel thicket around and especially across the creek Is secluded from ears and eyes. 2 public-private lockable bathrooms are also on-site at the parking lot. At night bathrooms are still unlocked and the disc golf course provides lots of scenarios with benches and platforms from the course. Dont want to drive all the way out to the parkway? Well, now you dont have to.