Hook up with hot gay men at Annabelle's Adult Supercenter in Winston-Salem
  • Annabelle's Adult Supercenter

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Winston-Salem
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: 3804 North Patterson Avenue
  • Viewed: 552491
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: An adult store with a video arcade in the back. It's $15 to get into the theater/arcade area. Access to the 3 theaters. 2 of which are open to each other playing straight videos. The other smaller one is the gay theater. The private booths (2 of them) are $10.00. Weekends they have a security guard that makes rounds. There are rules for the booth area posted on the second entry door and in at least 3 other places in the booth area itself. The staff is also allowed to conduct booth checks, as needed. There is no smoking in the booth area or in the store. Customers are allowed to go outside to smoke and return to the booth area, without having to pay another entry fee. The store and the booths are very clean. The theater area has about 8 really comfortable couches as well as a couple of small private areas which have a viewing window that includes blinds that can be lowered. This place appears to be the absolute best place for a woman to visit anywhere within the area. They have couples night on Tuesday and Sunday and also the 1st Saturday of the month. Even on non-couples night, escorted ladies get in free. Only the male has to pay to get into the theater area.