Hook up with hot gay men at Adult Pleasures in Toledo
  • Adult Pleasures

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Toledo
    • Neighbourhood: North Toledo
    • Address: 4404 North Detroit Avenue
  • Viewed: 809699
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Adult Bookstore with video booths.

    Booths are smaller than before, but there are more and larger glory holes. Still brightly lighted and still the jerks on the microphone...just keep feeding the bills.

    Booth 1 is larger with a bench and room for multiple participants - though it may be designed to be wheelchair accessible. Doors next to each other do NOT have glory holes. If someone goes in 2, go in 3 even though 3 is next to 4...and so on. All gloryholes are closed.