Hook up with hot gay men at Pilot in Enid
  • Pilot

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Enid
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: 106 S 42nd St.
  • Viewed: 5492
  • Rating: 5 Rating: 5 star 100
  • Description: It's a truck stop; you can tell who's cruising - normally the trucks in the corner farthest away from the building would be cruising, but you have to use common sense. Slowly drive through the truck stop a couple of times looking at the trucks. A driver will let you know if he's interested by getting out and standing beside his truck, or he'll turn his cab lights on and start getting undressed with his door open. The best place to play is in the truck or in the shower, but you must be discreet.