Hook up with hot gay men at Battlefield Restroom (Emmitsburg Rd) in Gettysburg
  • Battlefield Restroom (Emmitsburg Rd)

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Gettysburg
    • Neighbourhood: Gettysburg National Battlefield
    • Address: 1620 Emmitsburg Rd
  • Viewed: 1380
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: Cruisy restroom open 24/7 365. The Cruisy restroom is open 24/7/365. There are two stalls. There is a lock that can secure the outside door. Frosted windows allow hearing/seeing of cars arriving. There is also a rest area directly behind the restrooms where you can park to walk to the restrooms. The rest area is also great for car play and there is a path to the woods on the left side for outdoor fun.