Hook up with hot gay men at Sansom Street Gym in Philadelphia
  • Sansom Street Gym

  • Website link:
    • City: Philadelphia
    • Neighbourhood: Ritten House Square
    • Address: 2020 Sansom Street
  • Viewed: 441806
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: Three floors of rooms, large play area (the Pig Pen) at street level, gym equipment, 80 rooms or so (including private sling rooms and a deluxe room), large party room on the second floor, outdoor smoking deck, small TV room (not porn). The third-floor play area (accessed from the second-floor locker/shower area -- right behind the party room) includes a porn TV area, a couple of slings, glory holes, and a few benches. There's a window on the first floor between Sansom and the Adonis Theatre next door; guys often hang out there, showing off between the two places.