Hook up with hot gay men at Pease Park in Austin
  • Pease Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Austin
    • Neighbourhood: central/downtown/campus
    • Address: 1100 Kingsbury St., Austin 78703
  • Viewed: 17153
  • Rating: 5 Rating: 5 star 100
  • Description: Let’s bring back cruising at Pease Park. This was THE place to cruise in central Austin back in the day. After construction started on improvements, the cruising died out. Now that the work is finished, it’s time to come back. We need some place central/downtown.

    Pease District Park is the green space that runs along the west side of Lamar Boulevard from 24th Street to nearly 12th Street along Shoal Creek. There are jogging trails, wooded areas, and the creek. Plenty of places to cruise and play.