Hook up with hot gay men at Val Vista Park in Pleasanton
  • Val Vista Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Pleasanton
    • Neighbourhood: Pleasanton
    • Address: 7350 Johnson Dr
  • Viewed: 2527
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: Large parking lot, and a huge park. Great place to cruise for car play. Two bathrooms - one in the middle by the soccer balls and the other at the end, great understanding/bathroom action. Cruise in the car before taking it to the bathrooms.

    The middle one has 3 urinals plus a big stall with a door - great for play and avoiding being seen.

    The back bathroom has one urinal and a stall. There is a little peephole from the stall that gives a perfect look at the urinal