Hook up with hot gay men at Pilot Travel Center in Winchester
  • Pilot Travel Center

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Winchester
    • Neighbourhood: Toms Brook
    • Address: Mount Olive Road
  • Viewed: 28305
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: It's a gas station for tractor-trailers and regular cars. There are urinals with dividers so checking guys out is limited. The stalls are great if you can make contact. Show cock and take to any stall or back to truckers cab. The stalls are excellent and private. The door goes 95% down so if you are walking by you can't tell if there is more than one person in the stall. The last stall could possibly hold three. This is a great place to find truckers, hikers, bikers, students, professors, laborers, hubbies, daddies, the workers.