Neighbourhood: Millville Power Plant and River Recreation Area
Address: 2428 Acorn Nut Ln
Viewed: 58313
Rating: 2100
Description: This is a series of cruise spots along the Shenandoah River recreation area. Once you drive down into the area with the river visible on your right you will see picnic and fishing parks-keep driving.
SPOT ONE: The first cruise spot is a four car parking lot on the right in the bend of the road. You typically walk back on the trail with someone and play behind the brick ruin. You may see waders or day trippers so use caution.
SPOT TWO: Keep driving about a mile. You will drive under the bridge trestles through what feels like a massive urban tunnel. At the bottom of the hill on your right is the power plant and the “fishing access road” and a large picnic parking area. Cruising is ideal back here and you can drive up the fishing access road too. You can keep driving past this area all the way to the River Adventures tubing welcome center etc.
Guys car cruise here and pull off along the road. Lots of books and crannies. Excellent and remote but warm weather it’s heavy tourists.